The Account Stats page is broken

There are many obvious discrepancies in the stats that are tracked. my lifetime assists are at 27 (688 games played)…

5 years ago

Some thoughts about rankeds and mb smth else in Apex

The main idea is to reduce players, who love to sit and wait. IMHO it's not good when you sit…

5 years ago

Legend Idea: Ragno

TL;DR: A legend who's Passive allows him to climb any object no matter the height and stay stuck to walls…

5 years ago

I’m not having as much fun as I was in Season 1

Disclaimer before reading: If you're going to be elitist and comment on my skill level despite knowing nothing about me,…

5 years ago

Is grinding all the way to tier X worth it?

I'm a relatively new player and I've been hearing a lot of stories about how broken tier X matchmaking is.…

5 years ago

Frontline defense.

I feel defense is completely pointless. Normally B is zerged first, than the rest. Nothing you can do, can't even…

5 years ago

Has Code:leaf Gotten Worse?

Alright, so I don't know about you, but it seems like code leaf has just gotten worse since the launch…

5 years ago

Ranked mode potential improvement

Ranked mode is good, but could be better There’s been a lot of good discussion about the ranked queue and…

5 years ago

Ranked point distribution is anti-teamwork

Can we talk about how flawed the ranked points are distributed and how the system is anti-teamwork? I had games…

5 years ago

My experience in rank platinum as solo q

So I ranked up to platinum last weekend and so far my experience has been terrible. Out of the 15…

5 years ago

Can we take moment to talk about our THICC BOI Gibraltar

Im probably the first to say this but believe it or not gibraltar sucks. But even though currently hes about…

5 years ago

Dear ranked players, please dont drop early in hotspots without your team, and here is why!

A few minutes ago, i was playing a bit of ranked, getting myself to gold soon (hopefully), and i had…

5 years ago