I have been playing dota since 2006-2007 and want to share my idea how toxicity could be eliminated from the…
TL;DR - Pro Streamer that I used to follow loses to me on ladder. Calls me a sniper when I…
Welcome to Teacher Tuesday, a thread where anyone can ask any type of question without the fear of getting deathly…
Object 752 https://preview.redd.it/v0aiv4cnk70c1.png?width=772&format=png&auto=webp&s=685d82b5285bdd186157761250661f4ee7ddcbb8 Fire rate: 4.02 4.62 RpM Average damage per minute: 1,568.68 1,800 HP Magazine reload time: 38.35 32.6 seconds…
Firstly, the skin is fine. Personally, he looks like a Nob then a Boss to me, but otherwise pretty cool…
As per title. The feeling of utter helplessness as you have the VETS clan M41 Bulldog (It's historically accurate! It…
Not gonna lie, the new steel hunter changes kinda slap for the most part. Massively lowered cooldowns on self-heals (I…
This season was probably easily the most fun i've ever had in Gwent. Managed some personal bests this season. I…
And you guys are losers for it. I see posts all the time about "is this rare?" And its a…
SBIH, Tatkov Shooter 8, Psycho Sniper, Huntsman Path Sellout, and Stray Dogs are the only quests standing between me and…
It's fascinating that the majority consensus on this sub is always that the game is too ratty, that there's too…
But I look back on the Distant Worlds 2 expedition quite fondly. Having only gotten the hang of basic bubble…