I gave draft chance, its still totally busted

Im pretty sure that draft is suffering from the same issues as before, which is that people are still just…

3 years ago

Invasions system idea

So a friend said as a joke when some trolls invaded our base “can you imagine if they were real…

3 years ago

Giving Skellige clean answer to defender

The Problem So, I've started playing pirates recently and they're really fun. They kinda feel like old warriors, which I…

3 years ago

Is the 20% coupon in the Premium shop scam? Confirmed?

I got one in game, opened and followed the link to see the available packages above 30€. I could buy…

3 years ago

Valheim and grinding (please respect our time as players)

Dear Developers, I'm 25 hours into the game and I play this with 3 other friends. So far I love…

3 years ago

Unpopular opinion: global trader limits aren’t problem.

They removed high level ammo and armor from the flea for a reason. I seen a post earlier where the…

3 years ago

Tarkov Helper Discord Bot – Update

Hey everyone, I made a post about Tarkov Helper a couple of months ago but since then, I've added quite…

3 years ago

Things Odyssey could learn from Sea Of Thieves

I might be dreaming there but as I play both games often, I realized some aspects of Sea Of Thieves…

3 years ago

My theory on future story line after the Alcor CG

The latest CG was good. I like the idea of free engineered stuff coz I hate engineering. Also creating tangible…

3 years ago

Battle Cup suggestions/improvements

Hello. I just wanted to give my input on how Valve can improve/fix Battle Cup to make it enjoyable again.…

3 years ago

Using forgiveness to gain mmr and have more fun in pubs! (Video inside) – Oldmansal3

Hey everyone! https://youtu.be/yN8-iCoYqvQ The natural reaction to making mistakes in pubs is usually flame, but when your teammate makes a…

3 years ago

How do you guys hoard this many free xp? (Not for the auction)

But for skipping stock grinds. I've always been told to save it to avoid shitty stock grinds, but I never…

3 years ago