Advice for a first-time Valheim player?

Maypoles, Flower/Berry Spawns, & Seed Crops should increase honey yield.

Hey everyone!"
I'm starting my first Valheim playthrough and I'm super excited!
I've loved watching this game on twitch for the longest time and decided, it's about time I started my own playthrough, I love games like the Forest and Conan, etc. Games I see as sorta similar to Valhiem, so I think I will really enjoy it!

This game looks amazing and is so cool in terms of its mechanics and attention to detail! I'm really excited to start playing it.

Does anyone have any advice for a first-time player? I'm not looking for any spoilers or anything, just maybe some general tips the community has for me about the game and some things you learned.

How about this, tell me one thing you wish you knew when you started playing Valheim!

Thanks, everyone in advance



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