Bacterial colonies have ruined exploration.

I've been OK with Odyssey so far, but the sheer shittiness that is trying to find bacterial colonies has killed any sense of fun in exploration because of how frustrating it is.

Finding biologicals is generally OK; wave scanner points you in the direction, get out nearby and finish up on foot. But the wave scanner is shit at finding biologicals accurately. And bacteria colonies are just discoloured ground sprites. Oh, and the wave scanner will stop detecting bio sources arbitrarily. I've driven 10 minutes towards a source. Finally got strong readings, drive a bit more…annnnnnnd its gone. Completely. No return in any direction – signal appears to have despawned.

I was OK with Odyssey, but this has ruined my favourite aspect (exploration) because now I KNOW that I haven't found everything, but the experience of trying to do so is too shit to countenance. In trying to add more stuff to do, FDev just layered on the frustration.


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