Boss spawns

Once again, much like every wipe, I am getting stuck on the same quest and it's starting to get stale.

Kill Killa

At least when he had a pretty much static spawn the RNG of his spawn rate was a bit bollocks but when the stars aligned it was yours.

Now RNG means I run around the map like a headless chicken looking for Killa and just run into players. I know I should do it passively but the huntsman path has so many other quests behind it I get quest locked every time, it's my mid game what's on the flash drive.

Every wipe I come to the same conclusion and this wipe more so than ever with the flea market changes. Why can't bosses just be 100% spawn rates and roam/multiple spawns around the map. It really baffles me that this isn't the case, I feel it makes way more sense and would make these quests much less of a dice roll. Like to me it doesn't make sense, Killa only guarding Kiba some days, the rest of the time he's got his feet up?

I know I'm just a salty boi ranting after a night of dying on interchange and not seeing Killa but it's the same thing every wipe and is getting a little tedious now

Thank you for coming to my TED talk


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