“BSG banned another 3000+ cheaters”

The games current state is so pathetic that if a speedhacker kills you you litereally cannot do anything. they do it so blatantly because they KNOW that they get away with it so easily and if they ever get caught, they just rebuy a standard account.

they said they also banned 300 RMT traders and buyers, but honestly i dont believe a word of it, in my opinion its just bluffing and the traders/buyers know that as well.

DONT DO IT DONT CHEAT as a message wont suddenly stop it either, and yes BSG can do better obviously, but how on earth does BattleEye not pick up on this shit ? to remake the whole netcode is alot of work, but if you had a bolt in your stomach, would you keep putting bandaids on it just to endure it or would you remove the bolt and sew the wound, even if it would be more work?

is it really acceptable that we cannot play certain maps because everyone KNOWS there are cheaters in there? they dont even fucking hide it anymore, 60% of labs is infested with speed and aimbots, how about some devs just goes in there themselves and manually bans them?

of course every game ever has a problem with cheaters but dear god this shit is something else

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/hayl2z/bsg_banned_another_3000_cheaters/

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