Can boss/raider AI please chill?

After taking a break for a couple months I came back to play the Customs all-bosses event. Since it is end-of-wipe and I'm just trying to have a casual fun time, I didn't bother relearning how to cheese with right-hand peek, I just wanted to wander the map and have some fun. I've had some great aggressive PvP against super juiced players.

But encountering bosses in unfamiliar areas has really illustrated how completely absurd and broken the AI is.

Fighting Sanitar guards feels identical to fighting an aimbotter. Same for Gluhar and Killa. Rashala somehow doesn't feel as bad, but I think that is because he's usually encountered in close-range environments where you have a fighting chance against the AI's reaction time.

You only have a few options for beating them:

  • Cheese them into rushing you at close range and mowing them all down in a doorway
  • Engaging from very long range
  • Exploit the AI bug with right-side peeking, crabwalk around checking every angle 5 times, and kill them without ever getting shot at.

Attempting to engage them the way you'd engage a player – even a Gigachad player – or diverging from the script in any way means INSANT death. 15 tracers to the thorax in a nanosecond, through a bush or even through a door.

This is not fun. This is not "a challenge". It just turns Tarkov into a game of methodically exploiting broken mechanics instead of getting into fun gunfights. The accuracy of full-auto fire that boss/raider AI has is literally inhuman. Their reaction time is the same regardless of distance.

AI is either completely stupid and staring at you helplessly – like Tagilla this wipe – or it is insta-murdering you in unfair ways, like Killa this wipe.

The biggest irony is that the AI is more overtuned than ever, yet at the same time players have to deal with more recoil than ever.

Can we roll this shit back for next wipe? I don't think I have the willpower to suffer through this PvE. Boss fights used to be my favorite part of Tarkov, now they are either a source of frustration, or a big chore.


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