‘Chads’ are not that oppressive.

I don't understand what all this noise is about the event "opening your eyes" to how bad proclaimed 'chads' "actually" are.
You can just as easily flip this script and say that the NEW players, who are finally winning engagements, are just scraping by with what little skill they have because they don't have to actually shoot you more than once or twice to kill you.
The entire point of the game is to be a looter-shooter. The whole thing is about getting loot to improve your efficiency and performance in raid.

After a long hiatus I recently picked up the game again for a bit and played to level 16, everybody had better gear than me, so I PLAYED DIFFERENTLY.
I took my little mosin or sks and played like a rat; I used the map to my advantage, knowledge, avoided confrontations and only engaged in combat when necessary or when I had a glaring advantage.
Sure I died to some vectors but I also hit some cheeky headshots and got good loot from it.
If you are struggling to kill a PMC when you have an actual jump on them then im convinced you are doing something incorrectly.

Fighting in Tarkov is about positioning and knowledge. Thats what wins fights. It shouldn't all the sudden be easier to kill enemies with better gear than you because you cant win an engagement based off either of those things.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/z8c1k7/chads_are_not_that_oppressive/

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