Console death desperation / general nerding – got Horizons running on a basic spec M1 Macbook Air

Settle down at the back – I can hear some heavy breathing from the mac vs PC crowd, it's not that kind of post.

So, like the title says basically.

I don't currently have a PC that I can transition to following the firing squad style execution of consoles, so I thought for shits and giggles I thought I'd see if I could get ED running on a super basic M1 Macbook Air.

Results – tentative success!

I found this post from r/macgaming:

Surprisingly easy and smooth operation. CrossOver is actually pretty good as well.

It's a 2020 M1 Macbook Air: 8gb ram, 500gb ssd. (don't judge, it's only for internet work and looking cool in cafes).

It crashes if I push the graphics settings too high in full screen but for a casual drop in session it's pretty serviceable.

Amusing side note: I play hotas usually, not a sniff of a clue where anything is on full mouse+keys control set up so the first run out has been pretty funny…

I haven't been anywhere busy yet as I had only played like 11hrs on my PC account before moving on to other life things, then returning on XB where I've spent most of my time. After a delete/restart I'm back in the n00b zone to begin the journey once more…

Obviously it's not a useful long term solution but while I spec a new gaming rig and wait for prices to drop or – dare I say it – return to some semblance of normality – it'll do.

o7 cmdrs – see you out there!


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