Dear Balance-Patch Santa

the witcher and ciri gwent

Dear Balance-Patch Santa,

Please nerf Jackpot to 14 provisions. A leader that good shouldn’t be able to play all golds so easily.

Also Santa, please make Blight Maker a 6 provision card, or at least give it devotion. 11 points and 1 thinning for 5 provisions; turns out it’s busted … who knew?

Please give Sweers a better ability. Stealing a 3 power unit is like a 2017 ability. Do you know how hard it is to get a Unit to three power these days? Do a solid for the soldiers and buff this guy up.

Oh and while you’re at it Santa, give those Clog decks a nerf. I would like clogging to be exclusively “shuffle into deck” not “top of the deck”. This will give the good kids a fighting chance.

Bless ST with something too. All they have are Dryads 🙁

Aight then. Bye Santa


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