Do you think they will ever make Engineering less shit?

So, after neglecting Engineering for years I decided to give it a legit shot and engineer my Explorer FSD, so I went very happily to Mrs Farseer and got my gut kicked and my jaw popped when I realized taht in order to get the one upgrade you would realistically want ( I know that for some situations Grades 4 to 1 can be more beneficial but still and specially with FSDs why would you pick anything other than the biggest one?), you had to get 4 more you don't really care about taht are comprised of at least 4 sub upgrades each. Which made me just go back to my non engineered ships and don't even think about the whole thing ever again. But I started wondering if is there a chance that F-DEV will ever (actually) un fuck Engineering. I mean at least make every grade available from the start instead of well, whatever the heck you could call what we have now.

I am not ranting or nothing I just want to know if you think there is a chance Engineering will one day be, well fun.


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