Exploration Canidats needed…

Hello Fellow CMRDs o7

Im here because im planning on something which for me is a big deal. I want to do a LONG Exploration roundtrip through the Galaxy:
Starting from the bubble, going to Colonia and the other Outposts around the far reachest of the Galaxy, then going back to our starting system in the bubble…
Now i had the idea of making a Exploration together with others so i need People who want to do this too.

Now to the important part: For this long Journey we will need specific ships, each outfitted with ALMOST the same parts.
Im searching for players who fly an Asp Explorer with a ( current ) 31 Lightyear Jump range and all the Exploration-Equipment that is needed. You now may ask: "Hey, why dont you do it alone? Why do you need Company?" Well, i have a plan:

We need atleast 3 ships:
All Equiped with fuellimpets/extra Fuel tanks and hullrepairlimpets…
We also need a special ship: It will have the exact Route and tells the others which System next. He also has the purpose of going into the systems NEAR the Route and scanning them. It gets to scan them but the Main Route systems are for the first 2. He also has an SRV ( if the others dont have space for one ) so he can Land on planets of specific interest…

If these Ships help each other out, the Chance that this Trip ( which will take around 3 to 5 years ) will be a success in Exploration and moneymaking would rise…

So, if i get enough or even more CMDRs to do this i will plan the exact Route and be the 3rd ship…
Ill wait for your answers CMDRs o7…

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/kupw88/exploration_canidats_needed/

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