Fee 2 / Damage 3 fundamentally doesn’t work lol, regardless of conditions.

the witcher and ciri gwent

You can nerf it to 8 provisions, remove the Profit, Lock it to one row, and even nerf Lined Pockets back to 5 Coins. None of it will matter.

The fact of the matter is when you convert Coins at a flexible ratio of 1.5x damage, there needs to be a hard cap on how many times it can be used per turn. You're not only churning out a positive ratio of coin expenditure but using flexible removal in the process. Philippa may have an output of 1 Coin = 2 Points, but she is capped by a single use.

In its current form, with 8 Coins and 6 Leader Charges, Drill can come down and do 21 damage. We all know Syndicate needs better ways to manage their bank, but as I said, this ain't it chief.

This is best suggestion I've seen so far: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/mq2qfc/drill_needs_maintenance/

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/mseja2/fee_2_damage_3_fundamentally_doesnt_work_lol/

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