Flea market change will not kill the game.

Im sick of seeing so many posts in the sub recently about how bad this change to the flea market is.
The game is hardcore and a key aspect is needing to raid to progress and get better ammo.

Being able to hit level 5, aka maybe 5 decent raids and then go out and buy top tier guns Armour and ammo is not what this game was envisioned as.
If you can't handle the hardcore aspect then this game isn't for you.

If you complain about the lack of bad ammo not getting scopes straight away etc.

Use your scav runs and use your brain, an sks with ps ammo can kill almost anyone. Don't rush the best loot and hope to win with bad weapons. Play to the gear you have are using.

Face hit box exists, if they have a visor use grenades and leg meta.

Finally if you are complaining about not having x item like meds or food, learn the god damn maps and where they spawn in like we used to do before flea market there is plenty of guides on YouTube.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/ff35x1/flea_market_change_will_not_kill_the_game/

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