Gwent has become into “Whoever can spam this overpowered card most times wins”

witcher gwent cards witcher table

Ever since Renfri was introduced the game has spiraled down into an unbelievably boring card game that can easily be summarized with:

"Can my deck spam this overpowered card (Renfri, Spotters, Nausicaa, Reaver Hunters, THAT SK card that increases damage) more times than my opponent can spam his overpowered card?"

If yes: Then I win.
If not: My opponent wins.

I've had enough of this game state of facing self replicating cards on a rampage, watching the same decks, the same cards, the same strategies.

And honestly I don't think this is an issue that CDPR will solve next patch, based on their track record.
Probably they will nerf a thing or two of the ones I listed, but in that case, the other broken thing they didn't nerf will replace it.

If they nerf Spotters and Nausicaa but do nothing about Reavers, Reavers will be now the same boring "meta" deck everyone will play.
If Reavers and NG are nerfed then Skellige will reign spamming the same unitless deck that spams that one unit that increases raid damages.

In short, the game is at the worst state it has ever been and it has been like this since Renfri was introduced, when the whole spam a card bullshit was started.


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