Has anyone posted about this?

Ok, so i'm sure somewhere there is someone thinking the same thing, however, has there been any discussion on having a full loadout preset?

For example:

You keep your stash tidy, don't keep a lot of extra kits ready, but happen to be playing with others and may have had a bad raid or 2. They are in discord saying "BRO, we're in lobby" and you have to say "ya, sorry guys. Just a sec I need to build a new kit"

We've all been there right? Or is it just me? Anyway, would it be cool if in character stash you could have a preset build similar to the weapon that is just gear? or even gear and weapon? I mean this would totally streamline the kit building process and I think would be super awesome. OF COURSE it's not as important as the Audio working, and no Invite bugs or things like this.

Just bear with me though. It would be great! Anyway reddit, thanks for reading I'm streaming these brilliant brain storms on twitch, so feel free to @ me here: https://twitch.tv/kaisaleader or hit me up with a reply


Bro, let's get Full loadout presets!

Yep PogChamp!

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/k3izgz/has_anyone_posted_about_this/

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