How does mission cycling works nowaday?


I tried to find that answer, i found many of them but not sure if they still relevant. I am in robigo(again yeah) for the 25 modulars terminal required for unlocking an engineer i already forgot the name..

Anyway, i am allied with each of the 3 robigo reputation, i got 48mission at most available, and for each trip i find one mission that give me 2 modulars. I was wondering, how can i increase that number of quest?

I know old people were login off, login on and then mission cycled, i've heard aswell mission cycle every 10, every 15 min, but, how does it works nowaday? And between all the mission from robigo, should i take the max number of quest i can everytimes i do a trip even if there is no modular terminal, to augment the number of chance that when i come back i have a quest that has modulars terminal, or it is not usefull at all?



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