I am so freaking mad at this game

Is it just me today or for the love of god there's absolutely nothing I could've done to extract even once in the last 5 hours.

Night time Interchange, I spawn I die before I make it to the building multiple times, once I knew Id get shot and I premed I did. I spawn, play super slow and cautious I get a jump, I get thoraxed by an smg. I play Shoreline night time with sole intention of simply extracting, I get jumped by someone at the fu*king edge of the map 6 minutes into the raid…

I aim, I miss, the enemy aims once, head & eyes. I even review my game footage and sometimes I can't even see where the person who killed me was, its like find Waldo except he's in China and you're an idiot staring at a picture.

Not gonna lie, I'm at a loss of what to do…

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/vw2vef/i_am_so_freaking_mad_at_this_game/

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