IMO We Need Harsher Penalties for Scavs Killing Scavs

Anybody else feel this way? I don't know what the fuck has gotten into people lately but I started playing a couple years ago and I don't think I've had as much of an issue with Scav on Scav violence until now. And this has nothing to do with VOIP either. On Interchange and Lighthouse I have been killed by a player scav almost every single time I've gone in for my scav run. I've tried VOIPing with them (just end up getting betrayed), I've tried just running, being nice and passing loot that people are looking for that I don't need, etc. But somehow someway, I am still getting capped by player scavs. And I can't retaliate because my priority is my Fence rep. I'd rather spawn in with better stuff as time goes on than be a dick on my scav runs.

The penalty only being .1 rep loss and AI scavs attacking you when they happen to see you isn't a big enough penalty in my opinion. It's not big enough to be a deterrent to the average player. And maybe I'm just being salty because I'm tired of dying as a scav haha and I'm definitely not the best at Tarkov, but I do believe I'm above average. But I'm over here just trying to make some extra side cash on my scav and these assholes who wanna kill scavs as scavs are making me just wanna run ONLY my PMC so that when I do run into player scavs I don't have to hesitate on ripping them a new one.


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