IronGate / Valheim Devs – a quick message

Bones + Beech seeds = Chance of Birch Tree?


Please don't listen to negative Nancy's and rush any updates, do your thing. You have proven to us that this is how you do things best, the game is amazing, I'm 300h in now.

I'm excited for any update, but I am against anything that will be detrimental to your amazing ideas of what this game should develop into, in however long it takes.

Please excuse me now while I start planning for my third castle (one that's not 100% SpongeBob square pants), while building my berry farming portal chain, and try to invent a new fish farm while I'm at it 🙂 Oh and I need to farm another 200 bloods for the blood god! I mean mead and blood pudding.

I'll see myself out…

TLDR: If hearth and home takes 24 months to release, I won't be upset at all.


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