is my little brother a bad teammate?

Me, and my little brother have started playing together exclusively, and it's a TON of fun. I seriously don't remember the last game I've enjoyed like this.

But that being said, after dozens upon dozens of hours, I'm starting to think my brother is a shitty teammate 🤣

I'll give you an example, the other day- we ran customs a handful of times. One of these raids, a PMC at the bus stop by RUAF popped him, and took shots at me. He was killed, and his body was in the open. I was hidden in cover going over my options. And he was hounding me to get his gear. Even going as far as to say "I hate when you do this" (not retrieving his lost gear) when I explained that I didn't have visual on the sniper, and his body is wide open, and clearly in line of sight of the sniper. He got mad at me!

I guess this is just kind of a rant post. But I'm not going to lie. That made me feel a type of way. Do you think I should have grabbed his loot?


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