It would be nice if Valve could support the ARAM game mode

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

Judging by queue times, it is insanely popular (even shorter queues than Turbo). And from my experience in other MOBAs too (e.g. HOTS, league), there are huge numbers of players who love ARAM and will play mainly/exclusively ARAM. They are casuals who just want to click buttons and fight and not think about all the strategic macro stuff.

So what do I mean by "support"? It is currently a custom game mode and the creators are already putting out content and patches quite regularly. That's nice. But unlike Turbo, ARAM isn't a part of e.g. weekly wins to get shards, guild challenges, guild quests, seasonal quests, cavern crawls, hero relics levelling up, dota plus, battle pass quests and all that. It basically isn't a part of any of the main Valve stuff.

So it would be nice if ARAM could one day count just like Turbo (they have similar game lengths and both are insanely popular). In fact if I had to guess I'd guess that ARAM would be more popular than game modes like ability draft


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