Losing my will to play ranked

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

Calibrated recently and I was calibrated at crusader 5. Seems no matter what I do I keep losing. I can play any position and I always play my role to the best I can. If I’m support I’m always warding and helping the carry farm, if I’m offline I’m always pressuring their carry. If I’m mid I always win lane then gank early. I counter pick hero’s I build counter items and it’s all for nothing as I always get things like a pos 5 pudge, a carry that will refuse to build counter items eg BKB against a storm spirit. People that constantly want to try be Rambo and fight the whole team by then self. Does this get better at a higher rank ? Do I need to start playing a hero that I can try solo win and climb out of this trench ? I’m stuck for ideas. I’m always trying to be positive and help in a friendly way. But the tendency for people to tilt in ranked so so high. For the record my player score is 9680 and I have 3000 games played

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/o0q29l/losing_my_will_to_play_ranked/

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