Need advice on mid

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6043842084 Match ID

I was incredibly flamed by my team, for second time because of picking meepo, went 9-6 as mid, after about 7-0, check out my dream team of ''8 000 mmr players''

1-13 Warlock

5-17 Pangolier

3- 4 Phantom Assassin ( went afk farm entire game just to die to jug's ult with battle fury and desolator )

2- 6 Alchemist ( claims nobody will ever came to his rank no matter how much we all try, got destroyed by pudge )

What to do guys, can anyone analyze this I am so sick of it, I dropped from 87% winrate now to 82% because my team can not stop flaming and feeding and rage buybacking what is this shit, 7K behavior score cca, how is this possible whenever I play core this happens, and when i support we usually win ( 90% of games).

All I want is a normal team, is that impossible in 2021 without buying 150 mmr account with 10K behavior score and just first picking meepo and ending in 25 minutes since by the state of Dota 2 I can not rely on anyone, my friends left dota 2 because of it's toxic community and this is aposolutly killing this game

Thanks for reading, intel_boi


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