Not a rant, observation.

If you are looking for players who are THICC’er than a bowl of oatmeal, play nighttime raids. I’m working on insomnia for prapor(30 PMC kills during night time) and holy fuck do the juicers go to nighttime. I figured night factory would be a quick way to get this done. First three raids run into tier 6, altyn helms, using m61s or m995s. Trashed that idea and tried customs. First guy I seen scurrying around near new skeleton, hit him 7 times using 762 BP rounds. He laughed, ate all my bullets, and shot me in the face. Mostly armor damage. Second custom raid, ran into a duo at old gas that I actually managed to kill. First one using meta M4, 60 round mags of m995, tier 5, big ass blackjack backpack(also had tier 5 armors). Second guy using an MDR, also using m995 and geared to the teeth. They killed a guy and didn’t get to loot him yet, so I went to check his body and practically the same load out.

TL;DR THICC bois play nighttime raids.


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