Offline raid performance

Hello dear escapees,
(edit: solved… It's because my pc has to handle the workload, not bsg servers. Thanks!)
I wanted to train my point fire in an offline raid on interchange.
So I loaded up interchange, offline, enable pve, enable boss, amount high, difficulty as online and started the raid.
I noticed right away that my frames were lower then in an online raid. I had 50-60, where most of the time I have around 70.
As the raid continued I noticed my frames drop further and further.
At about 25 mins on the timer I was at around 30, 10 more mins about 24.
There were a few more scavs, in the end I had 28 including Killa, but not that many and I went around aaaaaall of interchange. From parking to medical, power to highway. I steadily killed all the scavs and even shot around with my rpk to lure them from every corner. So there wasn't an overly overwhelming amount of scavy bois.

My pc isn't the best, but it handles online raids, except reserve pretty well…

Why does this happen and did you experience similar issues?

Thank you for your responses and have some good raids brethren!


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