Playing with friends is a pain

Is this you ? Jump !
Did you walk ? Did you run ?
Is it you there ? Who’s this ?
Do you see me ? What where ?
Where are you ?
Look here ? Where ? Here !
That’s me ! No !
Wasn’t me !
I loot this wait for me !
Where are you guys ?

Damn, at the begin, it was fun because they where scared, and just listen to my calls, now they watch Lindmark and think they can play, but are all the time asking stupid thing or giving trash info, I tryed to tell them, but they don’t get it, they never know where teammates are, they ask you always to jump if it’s you, I can’t handle this anymore, either I die because one of them shoots me, or just because there is no idiot because every step they are asking who’s moving, they have no fucking clue what’s going on.
It’s probably the play style that don’t match or I don’t know..
I’ll stick to solo or duo, more is just not possible with my friends…

Are there some people like me ?


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