Please Frontier, for the love of all things holy, allow an opportunity for console players to transfer progress to PC without any loss of progress.

I, like many console players I know, want to make the jump from console to pc for Oddysey, but the ONLY barrier is not being able to move progress between platforms. I understand that our assets can be liquidated blah blah blah, but we will lose literal MONTHS of straight gameplay from engineering, rank advancements, exploration, etc. There is no way I or anyone I know is going to do all that again.

I'm no expert when it comes to game development but it can't be too difficult to make this happen right? According to a post a year ago it used to be a thing (accidentally?) but was taken away/fixed.

I understand that both versions may have been slightly different, or maybe there are there are other reasons for not allowing this feature, but even if transferring progress is a temporary feature to celebrate Oddysey's release, I know myself and many others who would gladly re-purchase ED, charge them frameshift drives, and make the jump to the beautiful galaxy of the PC version of ED. But to do so with a major loss in progress, such as losing my commander I've come to love, would almost be like ripping off a part of who I am.

So I humbly ask, for the love of all things holy, please allow a chance to make the jump to Elite Dangerous on PC without needing to start over or liquidate my current commander.



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