Pro tip – FSD or Thruster upgrades, which is more tactically valuable?

FSD = Longer range of travel distance between star systems, less jumps required on long trips. In short, be somewhere else further away from where you are in a shorter amount of time.

Activity rewards available in this made: 0%

Activity tactical value: Extended transit range between solar systems

Activity gameplay: Loading screen

Thrusters = Faster cruise speed, faster boost speed

Activity rewards available in this made: 99% (SRV raw mats = 1%)

Activity tactical value: G5 thrusters with F/A off is – hands down – the #1 combat skill in ED, aiming ship weapons, dodging incoming ship weapon fire, boost speed to run down ships in combat, boost speed to escape ships in combat, thruster controls for mining, ship landing, ship departing, ship change of direction in combat, ship escape scan range and ship escape gravity lock.

Activity gameplay: Combat, mining, docking, landing, leaving and racing (Canyon Cup ship racing can be found on planet Pomeche 2C).

I would never recommend to anyone else what do for enjoyment, so please feel free to pursue, and be proud of, any upgrades that you've made or are planning to make in the future! Leave a note and let me know what upgrade you've got your eye on next, it's always interesting to me how others build their ships and what they use them for.

Thanks for your time commanders! o7


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