Simple Facts about Dota 2 Mechanism that many player doesn’t know or realize or don’t care about.

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer

  1. Strong dispel can dispel stun while basic dispell cannot. (Ex Strong Dispell : Apothic Shield, Dark Pact, Kraken Shell, Press The Attack) (Ex basic dispell : lotus, BKB, Manta style)

  2. You cannot debuff or remove aura item or aura skill (ex : vladmir offering)

  3. Aegis time is 5 minutes and roshan will respawn in 8-11 minutes after his death ( basically 8 Mins + Random time max 3 mins)

  4. Linken's sphere cannot block Vessel, medallion of courage, solar crest, bull whip,physhic push, witchbane, ion shell (Darkseer), Snowball (Tusk), omnislash (Jugger, only block first target hit), infest (Lifestealer)

  5. Smoke of deceit max stocks in shop is 3 units and have 420 seconds cooldown, wise to buy smoke asap so later in game you can have more smoke to use. Thrist (Bloodseeker) and Track (Bounty Hunter) still can reveal hero on smokes effect (disguise effect).

  6. Outpost (the tower in the middle of primary jungle) Grants each allied hero 2/4/6/8/10/20/30/40/60/80/100/120/180/240 Experience on the 1/2/3/4/5/10/15/20/30/40/50/60/90/120 minute marks and only one outpost will grants experience, so basically if you lose outpost you lost experience.

  7. Tree will regrow after 3 minutes they got destroyed.

  8. Siege Creep spawn every 5 minutes or every 10th waves. A Melee creep is added to each wave at 15:00, 30:00, and 45:00, making it 4/5/6 Melee creeps for all lanes. At 35:00, every 10th wave spawns 2 Siege creeps instead of one. A Ranged creep is added to each wave at 40:00. Every 7 minutes 30 seconds, Melee and Ranged creeps receive an upgrade in health, damage, and bounty. There is no mega siege creep.

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