Some changes to heroes to make their identity more pronounced.

Explore DOTA 2's heroes and find detailed hero information such as skills, talents, stats, and more

  1. Skywrath Mage. New shard. Gives you new ability. Skymage flies up in the sky with his wings for 2.5 sec, making him invulnerable and still able to right click enemies. Ability applies basic dispel. Cant move while in the sky. Cd 25 sec.

  2. Lina. New 3rd skill instead passive. Lina throws fireball to the ground, making fire to area. Enemy units who step into fire will burn taking magical damage per second. Lina gets +1 fiery soul for every enemy hero burning, including illusions, max stacks: 7. Fiery soul effect stops when enemy hero stops burning. Duration 10 sec. Radius 400-600. Damage per sec 20-60.

  3. Mirana. New 25 lvl right talent. Instead of "+2 multishot sacred arrows" Mirana gets new talent "sacred arrows becomes invisible".

What do you guys think about this changes in terms of hero identity and balance?


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