Tarkovs Problem is not BSG or BSGs hiding behind the Hardcore Fanboys!

Had it today again the usually discussion why BSG does not get shit fixed like Sound etc

and of course the typical "you have no idea " fanboys jumped in defending any shit you say you can 100% blame BSG for like hiding behind the love Tarkov gets (its decreasing i hear it more and more)

like they talk about fixing sound for real since 2018(!!!) last time was in the podcast few months ago and nikita was all the bla bla with how hard it is

and then you get a wipe who bring NEW (broken) sounds for a broken sound engine….and of course massive old bugs are back too etc

and still people defend this behavior….like the people wonder why the Community is falling apart and getting more and more toxic i think heres one of the reasons…

some people shameless defend anything BSG does even its utter shit and wont help EFT in the end…..

and this people flame totaly normal critic instantly as flame and hate etc

tarkov as game starts losing me the comm seems to be dying too….nikita is imo just spiting hot air now yeah

well guess time to let tarkov go….or wait for a good tarkov like game with devs having the balls and the will to do it right and better….

its a real shame…

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/wyd9kg/tarkovs_problem_is_not_bsg_or_bsgs_hiding_behind/

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