The background music matters so much to me when choosing a base

Bones + Beech seeds = Chance of Birch Tree?

I literally quit playing a solo seed because I spent 20 hours building in the Black Forest only to realize I couldn’t stand how oppressively depressing it was. On a seed with my friends, I wanted to go to the plains but they didn’t want to build there because it’s too tough.

But the meadows music…has worn me down. The mountains are no good for a base considering the relative proximity to water, and I’m just left with options that generally wear me down. The plains music makes me feel like an adventurer, everything else….does not.

I don’t know. I wish I could change the music that plays when I’m at my base.

EDIT: For everyone saying “just turn down the music in the settings” I want to congratulate you on completely missing the point of my post.

I don’t hate any music, I just wish I could control the music when I’m spending an extended amount of time in one place.


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