The “Bye! Have a beautiful time!” guy in offline raids.

Have any of you encountered this Easter Egg? I wasn't able to find anything about it on google. This clip plays at the end of some Adult Swim shows, though I can't remember which ones.

I was doing an offline raid on Customs with no scavs to go look at something. I was by the warehouse where you can sometimes get gas and motors and stuff, and I went to exit the game, but stayed on the exit screen for a minute while I was looking at something on my other monitor.

Very shortly after, I began hearing footsteps running at a full sprint and I was confused as to why (and it was kind of creeping me out since I was supposed to be alone), so I backed out of the exit screen back into the raid. The footsep sound did not go away or change in pitch/loudness when I looked or walked around.

After firing my pistol, the footsteps went away, making me think it was just a sound glitch (which I'm sure the footsep sound continuing after going back into the raid was), so I went back to the exit screen and started looking at what I was doing on my other monitor again when I started to hear the full sprint footsteps again.

The sound was annoying me (and still kinda creeping me out), so I fully exited the game and when I was on the post raid screen the footsteps got REALLY loud as if the guy was running right up to me. Then they stopped. Then there was a loud single shot (shotgun, probably) from point blank and I heard my PMC collapse. About a second later I heard that Adult Swim sound sample, "Bye! Have a beautiful time!", and then there was no more sound.

It scared the shit out of me, but also made me laugh. Has anyone else experienced this Easter Egg? Is it possible to go back into the raid at the right time and catch the guy running up on you?


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