The golden nekker project conspiracy

witcher gwent cards

So, this is a conspiracy and everything here is just my thoughts and nothing else.

I had been looking though the monthly patch updates of previous years and something I have seen is how, despite the formula not changing much, there seemed to be a lot more thought put into them compared to the recent ones.

This got me wondering as to why that is the case and also why CDPR seems to be less involved with the players than before. I know that we have a history of poor communication but for past few months, it feels like it has been even worse.

Adding fuel to the fire is Salma being MIA for quite sometime.

All of this makes me wonder if the golden nekker project becoming too big for its own good. It is confirmed that it's scope has increased.

I wasn't there during homecoming, but on doing some reading, I have noticed how thronebreaker had put pressure on Gwent's development. This makes me think history might be repeating itself.

Again, all of this is a conspiracy.


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