The vegvisir

Valheim – Quick Tips to Start

Since i've seen several vegvisir tattoos in this sub i thought i'd share with you the true origins of the symbol.
The vegvisir is actually not a norse symbol. The first literary sources where it was mentioned are icelandic manuscripts from the 1800s. In these the vegvisir is actually described as a christian symbol:

“At maður villist ekki : geim þennan staf undir þinni vinstri hendi, hann heitir Vegvísir og mun hann duga þér, hefir þú trú á honum – ef guði villt trúa i Jesu nafni – þýðing þessa stafs er falinn i þessum orðum að þú ei i (…) forgangir. Guð gefi mér til lukku og blessunar i Jesu nafni.”

“To avoid getting lost: keep this sign under your left arm, its name is Vegvísir and it will serve you if you believe in it – if you believe in God in the name of Jesus – the meaning of this sign is hidden in these words, so you may not perish. May God give me luck and blessing in the name of Jesus.”

If you want to read more about the vegvisir and its origin you can check out my source article:

So while the symbol and its meaning are still the same, it is important to consider that the vikings and the vegvisir are apart about 800 years.
So keep this in mind if you are looking for a viking tattoo and want historical accuracy.


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