This games ranking system encourages extreme toxicity and dangerous mental health

Dota2 Mods

I know this might get laughed at, but something I've realized while playing dota 2 for many, many years.

Other games typically have ranking seasons that are on a 3 month cycle. They also give you more points for winning than losing and the ladder isn't as big. Dota 2 is an old game and is seemingly stuck in that old style of ranked match making that nobody actually likes.

It's been proven that smaller ladders, more points for winning than losing/regular resets make a much healthier game with a better playerbase. Valve needs to take a look around and realize the old way of managing a ranking system (a mostly permanent rank aligned with equal points for winning and losing with an absolutely massive ladder) is quite possibly the most unplayer friendly ranking system in the world of esports today.

It encourages gambling mentality of "i've lost 300mmr today so I. just. need. to. get. back. to. even.

It is so unhealthy both for the game and for people.

If you don't believe me let me ask you this, do you think playing dota 2 for 6 hours a day is healthy? That's the average. The problem isn't that those people are playing for that long, it's that their mentality is skewed into thinking they HAVE to keep playing so they can possibly break even or w/e.

The number of people I've met in dota 2 ranked that are actually having fun I'd wager is shockingly low. They aren't there to have fun. They're there to grind out mmr, but they aren't doing the true math that to even gain 1k mmr in this system you'd have to basically play this as a full time job for MONTHS, counting the research needed to get to that level, the playtime adjusting for the dota 2 system of rubber banding players (placing them with worse players in the pool when they are doing really well in an effort to balance out the pool) and you have a system that is almost as predatory as a casino without windows.

People should be playing mostly because their having fun and the ranks should also be designed to be a positive player system that encourages competitiveness.


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