Unpopular opinion: Shoreline is the best map in the game

Change my mind

Edit: bullets points for my reasons.

  1. Great map for all types of gun play if you put yourself in proper spots. Sniping can work, close quarter combat can work, etc.

  2. The way health resort is designed provides fun fights IMO. Just how there’s holes in the floors, multiple staircases, roof access, multiple buildings all connected, cool parkour jumps to flank, etc.

  3. Loot is insane, but you usually have to fight for it.
    (I know resort is only good spot for loot that’s one downside I can agree with)

  4. If you don’t want to go to resort I tend to find plenty of people doing quests around the map so there’s other pvp in different spots as well this time of wipe

Bonus: I know the spawns are pretty shit I think that’s one downside but once you learn how to work around them you can use them to your advantage for free early kills

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/suyonb/unpopular_opinion_shoreline_is_the_best_map_in/

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