@VALVE on Anxiety in general, as Psychiatric Disorder and the Game Dota 2

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

Hi, Valve.

As we get from all the posts and comments on this community, we can see how much stress from anxiety a lot of people feel.

Most of these cases happen triggered by small to huge childhood traumas that let some people more sensitive than others. (BUT, as we can see from the posts and comments, it's pretty generalized and expressive here on this community. )

The scenario: Object of Love (parent) ==> fail to basics=Neglect ==>result in trauma
Object of Love (Dota) ==> fail to communicate=neglect=trigger=anxiety

(If someone feel like), it would be very easy do group the comments as per :


And the same source (person) can have comments on different groups because depends on the time they are made. 'Time = state of mind'.

Communication is one of the most powerful tools when dealing with anxiety. It has even a protocol for doctors to follow when dealing with patients with anxiety disorders.

It will do so much for the community. Especially to those that only have Dota 2 to go through a rough patch. I believe games do wanders to mental health. Especially those more serious as the psychologic and psychiatric ones. Simple rules that will change the world to a lot of people. And that will create a much better brand experience, that will make connection to your customers to a level of real bond. It's an absurd increase of brand value just with a little communication. Please, read and take this to heart.

(the ones I think are specific to our case DOTA 2 Community. Valve's DOTA 2 Community Communication Care Brasic Plan)

  • Respect for the patient’s values, preferences, and expressed needs
    • Especially important when the Reddit is volatile in terms of msgs
  • Anxiety makes something taken as "small" by common sense become of huge importance
  • Communication is, hence, Emotional support and alleviation of fears and anxieties
  • Constant communication (to at least eliminate the "neglect" trigger) is already a game-changer.
  • Acknowledge appreciation for the patient’s appropriate advocacy and collaboration in his or her care.
  • Request that your patient correct you or clarify what he or she means if you do not seem to understand what your patient is communicating (for any reason—language, culture, assumptions, and so on).
  • Ask, in a nonjudgmental and open manner, about the patient’s thoughts or beliefs about the cause of the presenting problem.
  • Through actions and questions, continually reinforce the message that each individual is unique. Demonstrate that you are curious about your patient’s life and interested in getting to know him or her in a meaningful way, including by gaining an understanding of how your patient views illness and healing.
  • From time to time, ask the patient how he or she feels the therapeutic interventions are going. Is he or she feeling comfortable with the treatment plan? Any midcourse corrections needed?

Source: Barry CA, Stevenson FA, Britten N, et al. : Giving voice to the lifeworld: more humane, more effective medical care? A qualitative study of doctor-patient communication in general practice. Soc Sci Med 2001; 53:487–505

Thanks for listening!

up yeiiiiia for us all!!

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/nshuyo/valve_on_anxiety_in_general_as_psychiatric/

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