We need to talk about the state of this game

This last update, epic “supposedly” added a feature where if you rescue all the survivors before the timer runs out you will automatically go back to homebase. Well I have yet to see this, you know why? BECAUSE THE LAST SURVIVOR DOSNT SPAWN, even though I get the humanitarian badge (for rescuing all survivors) I don’t get ANY xp for that badge and it doesn’t count in game (it used to be the same amount of XP you get for completing the mission)

This is ridiculous. They add a feature that I can’t even try because the game is so broken.

The game is a HUGE grind.
I see new players every day confused about what to do in the game, and you know why? Because epic gives NO TUTORIAL about how to play this game. That’s why half of the players who even make it to Twine STILL don’t know what their doing!

No new weapons in a whole year?
One new hero per year?

Farming is still a pain

Perk up is still so hard to grind for and not everyone has the time to farm for materials for an AFK endurance.

Maybe if enough of us say something, epic will remember we exist.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/vdsg4s/we_need_to_talk_about_the_state_of_this_game/

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