What if

What if they made a map where there was an immesnse amount of loot like I'm talking multiple ledx and that kinda loot but first you had to get through a series of challenges say killing 20 hardcore boss scavs, do some parkor, run an item and Interact with a npc and he will let you into his room and u can in-game buy some ammos, some meds, etc then you had to complete a group of npc that was two Killa type npc that are in two groups that flank you to kill you and they're with raider scavs to make it that much harder, so you already get all the loot from them but then you could go to the "loot room" where you find shelves with all the loot you could ask for, food, meds, expensive items, guns, gun mods, ammo, everything. See this would pull out exactly what this game is about… Risk and reward. Gotta risk alot of gear to get this abundant reward and scene a five man would be the first choice, make it only two – three players in the match at any one time. This would help with the lag from all those ai too

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/ff2kfa/what_if/

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