What service would be your solution for tarkovs cheating problem?

I am curious about the community's knowledge, if we can offer a solution for Battle state to fight against cheating. I heard games like valorant have really good detection compared to most ( I dont know this for sure thought)

Anyway. Do we know any services better than battle eye? Because I know battle eye stopped detecting most public cheats over 500+ days ago. Im pretty sure the proof of many public cheats being undetected for that long is pretty easy to come by too. Its been at least 3 wipes now since battle eye stopped doing anything at all.

So obviously we need to drop battle eye and change services entirely

I think a new service / Upgraded internal efforts like using invisible items/ targets to get aim bots to lock incorrectly and cause people to go after loot that's not real.
Also I feel a player base contribution can be made. we can have trusted players who review reported games like csgo's tribunal system.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/w786li/what_service_would_be_your_solution_for_tarkovs/

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