What should a position 5 do in this scenario?

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This seems to happen quite often.

Around the 10-minute mark, you kinda won your lane so your carry is happily farming close to the safelane tower.

Your mid laner is maybe still 1-2 minutes away from his powerspike items.

The offlane 2v2 is still going on.

So as a position 5:

  1. I don't want to pull because the safelane lane equilibrium is good.
  2. I don't want to go to the lane because I don't want to take my carry's xp and he is already farming well
  3. It is not time to stack camps yet, there's another 50 seconds to go
  4. I could be playing a hero like Warlock where it could be very hard to gank mid (also it would be day time so that'd be even harder with the vision enemy heroes have)
  5. My mid is not ready to smoke gank yet (his powerspike not ready)
  6. I can't just solo walk into enemy jungle to ward

So what do I do for the next 50 seconds? I often find myself just walking back and forth really unsure what to do

And this scenario really seems to happen a lot, both teams are just farming, and it's not time to stack camps, and we're not ready to smoke gank yet.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/rjjv3n/what_should_a_position_5_do_in_this_scenario/

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