Why Aim punch is a good thing, and we need it


Aim Punch, simulates the effect of having a bullet transfer kinetic energy to your body

Bullets RARELY make simple and smooth through and through entry/exits

When you DONT have aim punch, you get situations like the above:

Player 1 makes a solid hit on target with a high-recoil or slow firing weapon, but if its not lethal, your opponent can simply line up a headshot before you can even recover from the recoil

Results in really artificial and silly feeling gunfights where your bullets feel insignificant, and contributes to the mag dumping tank meta

Dude makes a PRECISE shot right after eating a slug (no armor btw)

WITH aim punch, the power of a single round is much more "felt"

Players are encouraged to seek cover first and foremost, rather than simply immediately return fire

It rewards real life tactics (which all revolve around getting the first hit- why professionals aim center mass)

Games that have Aim Punch:

Red Orchestra 2

Rising Storm 2

Call of Duty Modern Warfare (though it resets automatically pretty damn fast, so its there, but it kinda isn't too)

ARMA (I think, havnt played in years)

The result in the first 2 and ARMA at least, is very realistic behavior from players

Tactics have more weight than mere Aiming

Games that don't have Aim Punch

Rainbow Six Siege

Apex Legends


Especially in Rainbow Six Siege, you can have Very annoying occurences of putting 2 good shots into your opponent first, but they flick that headshot and win

Aiming has more Value than tactics

We want tactics to have the most weight in EFT

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/f720ut/why_aim_punch_is_a_good_thing_and_we_need_it/

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