Why are you here?

Me? I want to see this game grow and succeed. There are no other games currently like this, and the potential and scope is exciting.

I'm encouraged to ask this question, though, because the amount of time I see comments like "this game is worthless" posted as comments to other people's thing is… Strangely high for a subreddit about the game… IDK, I don't understand why you'd read or post here if you weren't AT LEAST going to give constructive criticism.

I'm not saying echo chamber. That's never good. Harsh/justified criticism, totally fair. But what I don't get is the people doing nothing to progress conversation or ideas, rather, just dropping hate bombs like above.

Why… Why expend the energy to even read this subreddit if you don't like it/think it's worth it??

But yeah, what makes you all come and read this, anyway?

Mandatory tarkov gang gang

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/kcin8k/why_are_you_here/

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