Why do I keep matched with and against smurf accounts?

Dota2 Mods

Long-time lurker here, finally want to post about it since I am just tired of this.

Match id: 6345118337 – Sky on my team was too good, the account doesn't look that fishy, but who the fuck knows ,enemy have 2 lvl 20* accounts stomping.

Match id: 6344817979 – enemy have booster mid and a lvl20 account ( tho the lvl20 account was probably someone else previously banned and just playing in his mmr)

Match id: 6344817979 – 2 fishy accounts on enemy team, Brood and Drow – I know for a fact that the Drow is booster since the guy was advertising his services in a guild chat.

Match id: 6344817979 – enemy MK lvl 22 acc smurf

This is just last 10 games. I just started to watch BSJ and climbed like 1.5k mmr in 2 months and suddenly I play with lvl20 accounts stomping the game literally every other game. So if you start to win a lot are you suddenly put into a smurf queue? How to avoid this, do I need to abandon the account? It's unbearable ,there are not enough reports even when you get lvl 20 accounts literally every other game.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/rpvv45/why_do_i_keep_matched_with_and_against_smurf/

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