Why is everyone so god damn good?

Coming back after a two month break felt great for like two weeks until I realized why. Tarkov hasn't given me any challenge. I was running through interchange killing rats and players on my level, which is when the game's at it's best. But ever since like yesterday, I literally have not looted, found, or gotten killed by someone who isn't level 50+. And they all play the exact same too. You shoot at them, they start jumping like an autistic bunny, then snap around and immediately kill me in one shot to the face. How do people aim so well in this game??? It's always been something I've struggled with because the game constantly changes your sensitivity. Helmets, armor, guns, weight. It all seriously tanks your sensitivity, giving you a constantly changing muscle memory. I don't even get gunfights anymore. If I missed my first shot, it's already basically over, because mr. TTV is going to fucking wreck my shit before I even realized they have a meta M4 and kit. Does everyone in this game just have insane aim?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/xz17o4/why_is_everyone_so_god_damn_good/

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