Why is the Fed Corvette known as the best PvE combat ship of the big 3??

So I built out 2 different builds, both are running Huge MCs with large beams and smaller MCs to fill things out.

Both are prismatic builds with engineering and well




The vette has lower dps, lower shield tank and lower armor buffer should they get thru.

Both have simlar-ish amount of SCB in terms of MJ because 2 class 7 vs 1 class 8.

I looked at convergence, the vette has 2 mediums all the way to the side of the targeting circle, while the cutter has 2 all the way to egypt to the extreme side of the circle, but since its all going to be gimballed for these slow ships with bad convergence (compared to the conda that I run rails on), there won't be that much difference… And the raw DPS of the cutter is higher than the conda.

So is the maneuverability that much more different with dirty/drag drives engineered in?? Or was that tale just mainly for un-engineered builds?

Or am I missing something entirely with the vette??

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/ve4yle/why_is_the_fed_corvette_known_as_the_best_pve/

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