Addition of Grenade Launchers into the weapon pool?

In the new trailer there may have been a teaser of the SMR from Titanfall.

Which made me think if they added grenadier weapons into Apex, which ones would they add, and how would they do it?

Should all grenadier weapons be Gold and only available from World Drops? OR, is there a way to balance them and add them into the weapon loot pool around the map. This would also mean introducing a new ammo type.

Here are the Grenadier weapons from Titanfall which we may or may not see in Apex in the future.



EM-4 Cold War

Sidewinder AT-SMR

LG-97 Thunderbolt

  • Although this last one is meant to be an Anti-Titan weapon, I think it could be really cool to shoot a giant lightning ball at an enemy to stun and slow them.


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